Monday, 18 March 2013


This painting was inspired by my mother Josefina, who always created even without having done any course in the genre.
She always made various crafts, and has shown that hands atista, so I believe that art is in the blood, in the soul of each.
The art is also a rich heritage that is transferred from generation to generation!

Name of the painting: Josefina
Fine abstract art.
Acrylic paint


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Decision dawn.

Hello readers ... I bring to you another one of my works.
Hope you enjoy. Leave your comments and suggestions, are always welcome.

Decision dawn.
This work represents dreams, hopes, all the energy that motivates us every morning, bringing strength to enjoy a new day with joy.
And so ... Loaded with color, my brushes make their delicious dance on the canvas.
A work inspired by God.

Name of the painting: Decision dawn.
Fine abstract art.
Acrylic paint
36 "x 48"

Thank you... 
                      Lia Batista.